Reach Out to Us

Get in touch with us for prompt and efficient representation for your family law or estate planning matters. We work from 8 AM to 6 PM from Monday through Friday. Our office works after hours and on weekends by appointment only. You can contact us by phone at (541) 636-4787 or by e-mail using the form below if you have any questions. Get your legal troubles solved today!

Levy & Harris, Attorneys

33 North Central #403
Medford, Oregon 97501
phone: (541) 636-4787

Jacob Harris
Phone: 541-225-5226

Wendy Levy
Phone: 541-636-4787

Our Service Areas in Oregon

Our office hours are by appointment only. Our practice covers Jackson, Josephine and Klamath counties. We offer services to clients all over the Rogue Valley, so don’t hesitate and call us today!



    Please fill in as much information as you can. We will get back to you within 24 hours during normal business days.
  • Additional Information Notice

    Please do not send confidential information specific to your situation. Unsolicited information sent to our office via e-mail does not create an attorney - client relationship and is not confidential.